

If you are like most people you will do anything to avoid the budgeting process.  But budgets are essential to managing your business.  They will show you how things have changed from one month to the next. They help you stay focused on your goals.  They will let you know what areas of your business should be expanded…

Go Forward

When we start riding, we have the tendency to think and ride slow. Our brain tells us that if we ride slow we have more control.  We want to be in control and we want to be perfect.  This is totally backwards. Like most things involving horseback riding speed is counterintuitive.  We have more control when the horse…

Physical therapy clinic for equestrians

A couple weeks ago, Pony Paddock hosted a clinic with Tanya Olson of Centaur Rehab., LLC.  Tonya is a physical therapist who specializes in movement of horse and rider together.   She is a former rider, which gives her the ability and special insight to help riders improve their performance and harmony within their relationship.  Most importantly, she understands…

Facing our fear

Facing our fear

According to Steven Pressfield, in The Art of War: The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work.  The professional knows that fear can never be overcome.  He knows there is no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread free artist.   And so, we face the dressage shows.  We love…

Stress and Horse shows

Stress and Horse shows

Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quickens and you start sweating and swearing   Normally, we interpret these physical changes as anxiety or signs that we aren’t coping very well with the pressure.   And for years we have been thought that stress is not good for our overall health.  In fact, for years, stress has been known as…

I Can’t

I Can’t

I hear this a lot.  And nothing irritates me more. My grandmother would to say, “can’t never tried”.  And I think we should all live the can’t never tried rule. Because, it is so true.  If you want to do something you can. you may have to work your ass off. But you can do it. We have…